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Pivotal plot points: Editor's Notes #418
June 05, 2024

When something goes wrong in your life just yell "plot twist" and move on.
—Origin not clear

In this issue:

1. Pivotal plot points
2. Tickled my funny bone
3. Interesting Web site
4. Writing prompt

1.Pivotal plot points
Jessica Trapp, a romance writer and a Facebook friend, posted a request for boring facts about those who commented on her post. As I read through the very long list, I laughed a lot and then had an aha moment: many of the items, maybe even all of them, could serve as a pivotal plot point for a story. The one I spent the most time considering was, "My toe itches."

A pivotal point is the place in the story where things take a turn and head in a different direction. The event could appear benign like a toe itch, but if it marks a significant turn, it qualifies. And of course larger events like pitched battles or playground disputes can be pivotal plot points.

The Interesting Web site below goes into some detail about approaches to pivotal plot points. You will see that not all writers agree on the number or placement of them. What matters is that your story has such points. The more you are in control of your writing, the more likely you are to know where your story’s turning points are.

Can you list your pivotal plot points? Are you getting the most out of them? Do you need more (or fewer) of them?

As you read the stories others write, be on the lookout for pivotal plot points, noting those that work well and those that may miss the mark a bit. Remember that they do not have to be cataclysmic events, only that they mark a change in the story.

2.Tickled my funny bone
When I was in charge of editing an action movie, I noticed an unnecessary scene that was only slowing down the plot. So I decided to just cut to the chase.

3. Interesting Web site
This Web page is long, but probably worth reading if story structure interests you.

4. Writing prompt
Write a short piece in which an itchy toe changes the story’s trajectory. I would love to see your result.

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